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Research Support Portal

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Select your faculty/institute, a support area, and the phase of your research project to see information relevant to you.

Start Up Phase

What to do when your grant is awarded? Getting the right agreements in place. Getting the finances in order. Writing a data management plan. Securing your research. Getting what you need to get started in place.

You have been awarded a grant. Step one is to get in touch with your local research support office to guide you through this process.

Research funding support

Grant awarded

One of the first steps is to let the funder know that you accept the grant on their terms by doing the legal paperwork.

Signing of research-related contracts and grant documents

Consortium and grant agreements

Societal impact

Legal Support for research contracts

Luris contract tool

You furthermore have to get the data management plan, ethics requirements and, if relevant, procurement in place before or within a specific time frame after the signing of a grant agreement.

Procurement rules

At the same time you have to get everything in place within the institute to start performing the project.

Financial administration

Introduce your research to a wider audience.

Starting with public outreach

Experts in the media